Carrying on in the time of coronavirus

Like everyone else we have closed down physical meetings, and have gone on-line for both teaching and research. We are still working out how to keep a community together, and different research groups are doing different things to maintain cohesion.

We at QMUL have taken the approach that we are providing teaching virtually, and there have been a lot of internal conversations about what is (and sometimes isn’t working). And we still have to work out how to do assessments so that students can graduate and progress. Some decisions have been taken at University level, but there is a lot of working out how to implement them on the ground.

In some sense there is good news. We have to change our practice and make better use of the tools we have available. Early feedback from those giving on-line lectures and webinars is that they can be more interactive than traditional classroom teaching and that the students who are there are more engaged and find them stimulating. And we are also being told that it makes a real difference for students to see that there is a member of staff there supporting them live.

I’d like to set up way of extending this conversation to the community. This is a blog post, I hope folks can comment to tell others what they are doing at their institutions. Please do. If it grows then we’ll need to spin off to separate topics.

2020 CPHC Conference CANCELLED

Due to the current conditions the CPHC Conference that was due to be held next month has been cancelled. While the 2020 conference itself is cancelled, we will have a virtual AGM and assembly on the 22nd April 14.00-15.00. Prior to that we will hold electronic elections for committee posts, as last year.

New dates are announced for the 2021 Conference which will be held in Salford on 14th and 15th April 2021. Read more
